Fitness app Design

White label Fitness app

White label Fitness app

White label Fitness app

The Fitness App Design project involved the creation of customized user interfaces, information architecture (IA), and marketing materials for a portfolio of over 10 mobile fitness apps, all available on the Apple App Store. These apps served as white-label solutions, offering fitness enthusiasts a unique and engaging experience. Our focus was on enhancing existing features and introducing new functionalities such as guided exercises, exercise tracking, achievement sharing, and comprehensive nutritional information. Two standout additions were the implementation of water intake tracking and a points system to motivate and reward users. To ensure brand alignment, we developed distinct visual variations tailored to each client's fitness coaching brand. Our collaboration with the Plankk team was instrumental in guaranteeing a seamless and captivating user experience, connecting an impressive user base of over 1500 users and fitness trainers.

The Fitness App Design project involved the creation of customized user interfaces, information architecture (IA), and marketing materials for a portfolio of over 10 mobile fitness apps, all available on the Apple App Store. These apps served as white-label solutions, offering fitness enthusiasts a unique and engaging experience. Our focus was on enhancing existing features and introducing new functionalities such as guided exercises, exercise tracking, achievement sharing, and comprehensive nutritional information. Two standout additions were the implementation of water intake tracking and a points system to motivate and reward users. To ensure brand alignment, we developed distinct visual variations tailored to each client's fitness coaching brand. Our collaboration with the Plankk team was instrumental in guaranteeing a seamless and captivating user experience, connecting an impressive user base of over 1500 users and fitness trainers.

The Fitness App Design project involved the creation of customized user interfaces, information architecture (IA), and marketing materials for a portfolio of over 10 mobile fitness apps, all available on the Apple App Store. These apps served as white-label solutions, offering fitness enthusiasts a unique and engaging experience. Our focus was on enhancing existing features and introducing new functionalities such as guided exercises, exercise tracking, achievement sharing, and comprehensive nutritional information. Two standout additions were the implementation of water intake tracking and a points system to motivate and reward users. To ensure brand alignment, we developed distinct visual variations tailored to each client's fitness coaching brand. Our collaboration with the Plankk team was instrumental in guaranteeing a seamless and captivating user experience, connecting an impressive user base of over 1500 users and fitness trainers.




Visual Design UI & UX Design




June 2022

app mockup
app mockup
app mockup

My Role: The design phase of the Fitness App Design project was a dynamic and creative process that played a pivotal role in shaping the identity and functionality of each fitness app. It encompassed several key stages: 1. UI and IA Customization: At the core of this phase was the customization of user interfaces (UI) and information architecture (IA) for each fitness app. This process was a delicate balance between crafting visually appealing designs and ensuring an intuitive and efficient user journey. We strived to create interfaces that resonated with the unique characteristics and branding of each fitness coaching client. This step not only involved selecting the right color schemes, typography, and graphics but also the thoughtful arrangement of content and navigation elements to maximize user engagement. 2. Feature Enhancement: Building upon the existing functionalities of the fitness apps, we aimed to enhance user experiences. This included refining features such as guided exercises and exercise tracking to make them more user-friendly and informative. The introduction of new features like water intake tracking and a points system injected a fresh layer of engagement and motivation into the apps. These additions not only improved the utility of the apps but also provided users with incentives to maintain their fitness routines. 3. Visual Variations for Brand Alignment: One of the unique challenges of this project was ensuring that each fitness app aligned with the distinct branding of its respective coaching client. To accomplish this, we created visual variations that reflected the individuality of each client's brand. These variations ranged from color schemes to graphical elements, creating a tailored look and feel for each app. 4. Collaboration for a Seamless User Experience: Collaboration was at the heart of the design process. Close cooperation with the Plankk team was crucial in ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience. Regular communication and feedback loops with the development team were maintained throughout the design phase. This collaborative approach ensured that the design seamlessly integrated with the app's functionality and the overall objectives of each fitness app. The design phase was not static but iterative in nature, with frequent reviews and refinements. This allowed us to address any issues and ensure that the design met our high standards for aesthetics and usability. Through this comprehensive design process, we were able to create a collection of fitness apps that not only looked visually stunning but also delivered an exceptional user experience. Our emphasis on customization and collaboration ensured that each app was a unique and effective tool for both fitness enthusiasts and coaching clients.

Full Dashboard
Full Dashboard
Full Dashboard
app screens
app screens
app screens
app screens
app screens
app screens

This project has been a transformative experience, significantly expanding my expertise in tailoring applications for a wide array of clients while upholding the highest standards of quality. It has equipped me with a profound understanding of enhancing existing applications and optimizing the white-label business model often adopted by agencies. Through this journey, I have honed my ability to provide unique and effective design solutions that cater to the specific needs of each client, ultimately delivering exceptional user experiences. Overall, this project has deepened my insights into the intricacies of application design and underscored the paramount significance of customization in achieving extraordinary user experiences.

2024 - Crafted with love by Jesus Abuabara

2024 - Crafted with love by Jesus Abuabara

2024 - Crafted with love by Jesus Abuabara