Swiftbiz App

Business Management app

Business Management app

Business Management app

The Swiftbiz App project was a collaborative effort involving a team of five talented designers, including myself. Our mission was to breathe new life into a robust mobile application available for both Android and iOS platforms. This application was tailored for business owners, providing them with powerful tools to efficiently manage their operations. It allowed them to curate product catalogs, engage in real-time chats with potential customers, schedule appointments, facilitate product sales, and access comprehensive statistics pertaining to their customer base, sales, and top-selling products. Notably, this app operated across three key markets: the USA, UK, and India.

The Swiftbiz App project was a collaborative effort involving a team of five talented designers, including myself. Our mission was to breathe new life into a robust mobile application available for both Android and iOS platforms. This application was tailored for business owners, providing them with powerful tools to efficiently manage their operations. It allowed them to curate product catalogs, engage in real-time chats with potential customers, schedule appointments, facilitate product sales, and access comprehensive statistics pertaining to their customer base, sales, and top-selling products. Notably, this app operated across three key markets: the USA, UK, and India.

The Swiftbiz App project was a collaborative effort involving a team of five talented designers, including myself. Our mission was to breathe new life into a robust mobile application available for both Android and iOS platforms. This application was tailored for business owners, providing them with powerful tools to efficiently manage their operations. It allowed them to curate product catalogs, engage in real-time chats with potential customers, schedule appointments, facilitate product sales, and access comprehensive statistics pertaining to their customer base, sales, and top-selling products. Notably, this app operated across three key markets: the USA, UK, and India.




Visual Design UI & UX Design Design System


Communications and Customer service


December 2022

App Screen with open sidebar
App Screen with open sidebar
App Screen with open sidebar

The Challengue / My role My primary objective in this project was to bring about a significant enhancement in both the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). To achieve this, I was tasked with developing a refreshed design system, optimizing usability, and ensuring alignment with the company's new branding. Additionally, I undertook the responsibility of reorganizing the core workflows within the application to enhance efficiency and user understanding. The approach: Research: Our design journey commenced with thorough research, encompassing two crucial phases - benchmarking and brainstorming. Benchmarking allowed us to gain insights into the existing competition and identify areas for potential improvement. Brainstorming sessions fostered a creative exchange of ideas within the design team, encouraging innovative solutions. Design: In the design phase of the Swiftbiz App project, we transformed our research findings and conceptual ideas into tangible design elements that would define the app's look and feel. This phase was pivotal in shaping the visual identity and user experience. 1. Wireframing: Our journey commenced with wireframing, a fundamental step where we created the skeletal structure of the application. This step allowed us to establish the layout, content placement, and the initial user flow. Wireframes served as a blueprint, ensuring that the application's functionality and content hierarchy were well-defined. 2. Team Feedback: Collaboration was a cornerstone of our design process. We engaged in frequent team feedback sessions, encouraging the sharing of insights, suggestions, and critiques. This collective effort not only enhanced the quality of our design but also ensured that it resonated with a diverse range of perspectives. 3. High-Fidelity (Hi-Fi) Design: Once we had solidified our wireframes and incorporated team feedback, we transitioned to the creation of high-fidelity (Hi-Fi) designs. This stage brought the visual identity of the Swiftbiz App to life. We meticulously crafted pixel-perfect UI elements, selecting the right colors, typography, and graphics to create an aesthetically pleasing and cohesive user interface. 4. Prototypes: To further refine our design concepts, we developed interactive prototypes that provided a dynamic representation of the application. These prototypes allowed us to assess the flow and interactions within the app, ensuring that they were intuitive and user-friendly. It also facilitated early-stage testing and provided a tangible experience of the final product. Evaluate: Iteration was a continuous process throughout the design phase. We welcomed feedback from both the team and stakeholders, using it to make incremental improvements. Our design phase was characterized by a commitment to creating a seamless and visually captivating user experience. By transitioning from wireframes to Hi-Fi designs and interactive prototypes, we meticulously refined the design, ensuring it met the highest standards of aesthetics and usability. The iterative nature of our approach allowed us to adapt and evolve as we received feedback, ultimately resulting in a design that was both beautiful and user-centric.

Project ptototype
Project ptototype
Project ptototype
Design system
Design system
Design system
Some screens
Some screens
Some screens
Tags and Chat screens
Tags and Chat screens
Tags and Chat screens

An issue with the existing Design System Swiftbiz had been using an outdated design system that had become increasingly inconsistent across iOS and Android. This meant that the user experience was disparate and confusing for users, so I proposed to create a unified design system that would be consistent across all platforms. The Goal: The team goal was to create a new design system based on an existing design system framework that would be consistent across all platforms, and create a better user experience. Research and Discovery: Before beginning the project, I conducted research into the best practices of Material Design 3 in order to develop a comprehensive understanding of the design system. I also conducted interviews with stakeholders to better understand their needs and expectations for the project. Material 3: Material Design 3 is Google’s latest design language. It is based on the principles of material design, where physical and digital elements are combined to create a unified experience. It is focused on creating a consistent user experience across devices and platforms, as well as providing a modern look and feel. It also provides a library of components and tools for creating custom designs. The results: Despite the challenges, the team was able to successfully implement Material Design 3 into Swiftbiz app. This resulted in improved user experience, as the app was easier to use and navigate. Conclusion: Revamped Design Language In conclusion, the team at Swiftbiz chose to replace their old design system with Material Design 3 for the My Business app. This decision was made for a number of reasons, including adaptability, user experience, and scalability. Despite the challenges faced during the design process, the outcomes and results were positive, as it resulted in improved user experience and increased adoption.

2024 - Crafted with love by Jesus Abuabara

2024 - Crafted with love by Jesus Abuabara

2024 - Crafted with love by Jesus Abuabara